If you want the best permanent outdoor Christmas lights Utah has ever seen, then look no further! Here at Forever Lighting, we are committed to making holiday celebrations as memorable as possible. And few things are as memorable as lighting up your house and neighborhood with color!
But setting everything up each year can be a hassle. And Christmas—or any other holiday, should never be a hassle. It should be about joy, family, and getting together. So why not invest in a long-term solution? After outfitting your home with permanent outdoor Christmas lights once, you’ll never have to do it again.
Why Permanent Outdoor Christmas Lights?
When you’re done setting everything up, it’s there for good. You will be able to turn the lights on and off at will. The celebration may start or end at the literal push of a button.
Permanent lights are just that—permanent, so they can endure extreme conditions. They will withstand it all; cold, rain, snow, or intense heat. You won’t need to worry about unforeseen circumstances ruining your holidays. They can also last up to 50,000 hours, so you’ll only have to replace them if they break.
The whole rig is highly customizable, so you’ll be able to tweak it around your wants and needs. Whether you desire a certain layout or wish for a particular pattern or bulb design, you can have it. These are the permanent outdoor Christmas Lights Utah will envy you for!
Our LED light bulbs are notably superior to traditional Christmas bulbs. They are extremely eco-friendly, using as little as six times less energy. This means that in the long run, they will actually end up saving you quite a bit of money. Also, as they use up less energy, permanent light bulbs don’t burn as hot as traditional ones. Your holiday (and you) will be safe. You won’t need to worry about your Christmas lighting fizzling out and causing a fire.

Permanent Lights At The Push Of A Button
After installation, we will issue you a Control Box, which you can easily put away until needed. You can use this box to turn the lights on or off, as well as change colors or effects. It’s all quite easy.
We also offer a mobile app that provides a variety of features. Aside from turning your phone into another Control Box, you will also be able to use it for scheduling. For instance, you could make the lights turn on at certain times of the day, on certain dates, etc.
The Installation Process — Or The Downsides
First, there is the high initial cost. Next, setting everything up can be exhausting, and if you hire professional help it will further increase the cost. Finally, with all the different bulb designs and colors, picking what you want can get rather overwhelming.
But keep in mind that this is a one-off investment of time and money. You shouldn’t let the first hurdle dissuade you from getting the kind of permanent outdoor Christmas lights Utah will be proud of!
What to know About Permanent Outdoor Holiday Lights
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