Zoning Abilities

We give our customers the option to have different zoning sections of your home or office.  Lets say you wanted your lights installed on the front of your home, however you also want a section in the back your done over your patio.  But you only want the patio lights on for a special occasion such as a BBQ or party.  By selecting zoning options, you will have the ability to select which zone you want lights on or off.  Each zone can have its own colors and pattern selection.

We understand how busy it can get when preparing to host a party, but with your easy to use app, you can set the date and time you want your lights to turn on and off so youll have one less thing to think about and will be ready when the parties ready.

Or perhaps your a business owner and want lights installed inside and outside, which would give you 2 zoning options.  You will have the ability to select colors and patterns for the exterior and colors and patterns for the interior giving your customers a different look and feel from being inside to outside.

There are many benefits from choosing multiple zones when installing your new permanent lights.

Sit back and enjoy the mood your lights create.