Residential Permanent Exterior Lighting
When the holiday season comes along, the time comes for you to decorate your house to reflect the festive mood. If you don’t have permanent exterior lighting, you know what that’s like — there’s a box full of lights and decorations somewhere up in the attic, or down in the basement. You wipe the dust off the box and start inspecting the contents. You plug each string of lights in and check if it works. Every year, there are a couple of strings with more than half of their lights not working.
Long story short — setting up holiday lights every year is annoying.
I swear, it’s like the roof grows a few feet each year. Either that or I’m definitely getting too old to climb up in the middle of winter and hang flimsy light strings and cheap decorations up on the roof and walls. I remember one time, it was three days before Christmas, late afternoon. I was decorating the house only a couple of hours, but daylight escaped me sooner than I thought.